Adam - vertaling naar russisch
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Adam - vertaling naar russisch

ADAM; Adam (prophet of Islam); Adam in Early Christian Liturgy and Literature; Adam (Bible); אָדָם
  • ''God Judging Adam'', [[William Blake]], 1795
  • Adam and Eve, Manafi al-Hayawan (The Useful Animals), [[Maragheh]], Iran, 1294–99
  • Adam, [[Lucas Cranach the Elder]]
  • ''And Elohim Created Adam'', [[William Blake]]

1) рел. Адам;
2) человек, мужчина; грешный человек.
Adam noun Адам



общая лексика


Эдам (мужское имя)



грешный человек


Adam style


(Mickiewicz) Адам (1798-1855) , польский поэт, деятель национально-освободительного движения. Основоположник польского романтизма (сборник "Поэзия", т. 1, 1822; поэмы "Гражина", 1823, "Дзяды", ч. 2, 4, 1823, "Конрад Валленрод", 1828). В 1824 выслан царскими властями из Литвы; жил в России, где сблизился с декабристами, А. С. Пушкиным. В эмиграции (после 1829) создал 3-ю часть "Дзядов" (1832) и поэму "Пан Тадеуш" (1834) - эпическое полотно старопольского быта, шедевр словесной живописи. В 1840-44 читал лекции о славянских литературах в Париже; в 1849 редактор демократической газеты "Трибюн де пепль".
Евгений Петрович (1893-1959) , разведчик, полковник. В органах госбезопасности CCCР с 1924. В 1925-33 работал в странах Зап. Европы, в 1934-37 - на Дальнем Востоке и в США. В Великую Отечественную войну в центральном аппарате советской разведки, затем работал в странах Зап. Европы. С 1953 на научной и педагогической работе в СССР.



Adam is the name given in Genesis 1-5 to the first human. Beyond its use as the name of the first man, adam is also used in the Bible as a pronoun, individually as "a human" and in a collective sense as "mankind". Genesis 1 tells of God's creation of the world and its creatures, including adam, meaning humankind; in Genesis 2 God forms "Adam", this time meaning a single male human, out of "the dust of the ground", places him in the Garden of Eden, and forms a woman, Eve, as his helpmate; in Genesis 3 Adam and Eve eat the fruit of the tree of knowledge and God condemns Adam to labour on the earth for his food and to return to it on his death; Genesis 4 deals with the birth of Adam's sons, and Genesis 5 lists his descendants from Seth to Noah.

The Genesis creation myth was adopted by both Christianity and Islam, and the name of Adam accordingly appears in the Christian scriptures and in the Quran. He also features in subsequent folkloric and mystical elaborations in later Judaism, Christianity, and gnosticism.

Uitspraakvoorbeelden voor Adam
1. ADAM SOBEL: Hey, Adam.
Street Vegan _ Adam Sobel _ Chefs at Google
2. ADAM WALD: Adam Wald.
What to Do When Things Go Wrong _ Frank Supovitz, Boomer Esiason, Adam Wald _ Talks at Google
3. plays Adam, Adam, who plays Adam--
Not Waving But Drowning _ Vanessa Ray & Devyn Waitt _ Talks at Google
4. ADAM: Well, I'm Adam
The Fundamental Shift _ Rob Scott _ Talks at Google
5. >>Adam:
Sixpoint Craft Ales _ Shane Welch _ Talks at Google
Voorbeelden uit tekstcorpus voor Adam
1. Idris Adam Ahmed, Yagoub Adam Ahmed, al–Faki Haroun Adam Eissa, Sharafaddin Salih Musa, Sharafaddin Abbaker Abd al–Karim, Mohamed Ibrahim Arman, Musa Tahi Ibrahim, Musa Mohamed Yahya, Gibril Musa Mohamed, Yahya Abd al–Karim Abd–Allah, Adam Abd al–Karim Mohamed, Adam Mohamed Idris, Adam Abd al–Mageed Mohamed, Abd al–Raziq Abd al–Mageed, Fadl Adam Hamid, Eissa Haroun Adam, Yagoub Mohamed Yagoub were arrested from the village of Tirgo.
2. On August 3, the security department arrested Abd al-Salam Mohamed, Ali al-Nur Ahmed, Salahaddin Babiker, Juma Adam Haqqar, and Adam Adam.
3. On August 3, the security department arrested Abd al–Salam Mohamed, Ali al–Nur Ahmed, Salahaddin Babiker, Juma‘ Adam Haqqar, and Adam Adam.
4. He then made Adam, quickly followed by Eve when he saw that Adam was bored.
5. On August 3, the security department arrested Abd al-Salam Mohamed, Ali al-Nur Ahmed, Salahaddin Babiker, Juma Adam Haqqar, and Adam Adam.